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Developmental Impact of Playground Equipment

You can likely think back to your childhood and remember your time at the playground. You may remember the first time you completed the monkey bars or climbed to the top of the playset. You may remember your favorite things to do at the playground. These are experiences you carry with you as an adult and even share with your children during adventures to the playground.

Today, playgrounds have evolved into inclusive places where children of all abilities and ages can play freely and safely.

Preschool Playground equipment is essential in providing fun for children. Still, many other benefits can help them develop their social, emotional, creative, and physical skills essential as they get older. This will look at some of the newest options available for kids and how these playground features can benefit children.

The We-Saw

This feature is a new and improved version of the traditional seesaw. It has a unique design, which offers a gentle rocking motion that makes it perfect for families and kids of all ages to play on. It is also wheelchair accessible, making it an outstanding inclusive playground feature in your playground.

Developmental benefits of this feature include:

Sensory benefits, such as

  • proprioception.

  • Improves motor skills like balance

  • Flexibility

  • lower body strength

  • core body strength,

  • and upper body strength.

Cognitive skills, such as

  • problem-solving skills.

Social and emotional skills,

  • imaginative play, and cooperation.

Oodle Swing

The traditional swing may be fun, but it can be made even more fun when you can swing together with your friends on the same swing.

Developmental benefits of this feature include:

Sensory benefits, such as

  • Visual

  • tactile,

  • and proprioception.

Motor skills, such as

  • balance,

  • coordination,

  • motor planning,

  • upper body strength.

Cognitive skills,

  • problem-solving

Social and emotional skills,

  • social skill development,

  • cooperation,

  • and imaginative play.

Roller slide

This playground feature offers a sensory experience while kids are sliding down. This can improve the experience and add something more to the sliding experience.

Developmental benefits of this feature include:

Sensory benefits

  • such as tactical,

  • Auditory,

  • and proprioception.

Motor skills,

  • coordination,

  • balance,

  • and motor planning.

Cognitive skills,

  • Problem-solving.

Social and emotional skills

  • social skills development.


Playgrounds can be so much more than what you traditionally think of when you think of playgrounds—adding new and improved features like the ones described. These features bring a new layer of benefits to people who use these playsets, improving their physical, social, and emotional skills. These play features were explicitly created to offer an inclusive and fun experience, helping children develop their skills.

If you want to make your playground areas even better for children and adults in the neighborhood, adding these playground features can make your playground stand out. Inclusive features make your playground accessible, ensuring that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy playing in the playground together. Outdoor Playgrounds Equipment are meant to be inclusive places for everyone, creating experiences to help children better develop their skills.

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