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Don't Forget These Park Amenities When Planning Your Next Playground

Park amenities and accessories can help make a playground or park look and feel complete. Amenities such as tables and benches will appeal to others, making your playground more inviting to everyone. Not only that but these amenities have also been said to help enhance visitors' mental health and well-being.

Read on to find out what amenities you should include in your next recreational area.

Park benches and seating areas are the most common park accessory out there. At Creative Recreational Systems Inc, we offer various seats, benches, and tables in various colors and styles for you to choose from.

When planning a playground, remember this rule: add at least two park benches per playground structure. Good benches will allow parents and children to rest and socialize. These park benches should also be facing areas of interest, such as scenic views and the playground structure itself.

Shade structures are also crucial in a playground. This can help children stay relaxed and comfortable while playing. These structures can be added not only to your play area but also above seating and fitness areas. These structures will also help to block harmful UV rays. Parks that provide shade are more inviting for people of all ages and abilities.

Also, consider adding little receptacles around your park and playground. This will encourage visitors to dispose of their litter correctly, further making your park and playground more attractive to others. You can also consider adding dog waste bag dispensers if you foresee dogs roaming the area.

As more people are using bikes for transportation, bike racks can also allow cyclists to have a safe space to store their bikes while playing. Creative Recreational Systems Inc offers various bike rack options for you to choose from.

Due to the pandemic, hand sanitizers, social distancing, and face masks have become essential in our day-to-day lives. This helps to reduce the risk of germs and bacteria by placing hand sanitizer stations around the park. This will make it easier for visitors to sanitize themselves while out.

You can also place custom signs around your park, reminding visitors to maintain protocols to ensure your park is in good condition.

You can also create a custom entrance to make a big first impression. This can be done by displaying the park's name, recognizing donors, or even display directions on a bold entryway.

Regardless of whether you are building a park or playground, these amenities can help complete its look. Consider these amenities when planning your recreational area to provide your visitors with comfort and convenience, allowing them to enjoy their stay in the area.

If you need amenities for your park, Creative Recreational Systems Inc can help provide you with unique options that will match your park's theme. Contact us today to learn more.

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