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How Towers Can Take Playgrounds to a Whole New Level

We all have fond memories of playing in a playground when we were young. Whether it was swinging on the swings or sliding down the slide, this is why we must keep playground activities available and exciting for our children.

Playgrounds are an excellent way to keep children active and entertained for hours. Children of all ages can enjoy playgrounds if they are done right. If a playground has limited activities for kids, then they will soon become bored and lose interest. Luckily there are ways that you can prevent this from happening. One of the best ways to do this is by adding towers. Towers will give new life to the playground. This will keep children engaged and ensure that they enjoy the playground for years to come.

What Are the Benefits of Adding Towers to a Playground?

There are numerous excellent benefits to adding towers to a playground. Here are just a few ways that towers can improve a playground:


Playground towers are typically over 8 feet in height. This means that the children can have a clear view of the park and playground when they are on top of the tower. A good viewpoint is innately enjoyable to people of all ages.

Child development.

Adding towers to a playground is a great way to encourage children to be self-confident. Climbing up the structure on their own will build their self-belief while providing them with a sense of accomplishment. This will help to build the children into functional, confident, and happy adults.

Efficient Use of Space.

If you have a playground that does not have much room to grow outward, you should consider growing upwards. Towers are a great way to fit more activities in the same area. This means that even small playgrounds can provide kids with hours of fun if they have suitable towers in place.

Towers are fantastic for imagination. Adding towers to your playground can create a mystical atmosphere that is perfect for adventure. You can add themes to your towers, making your playground much more attractive to families and providing your park or playground with a charming and unique aesthetic.

Are Towers Not a Dangerous Addition to a Playground?

The answer to this question used to be a firm yes. While towers have always been present in playgrounds, everyone has a story of a friend who fell off the monkey bars or a tower and broke their arm. These accidents are always a risk when you are playing, but this risk has been significantly reduced thanks to advances in modern technology.

Advances in playground surfacing mean that playgrounds are equipped with surfaces designed to break falls. This will reduce the risk of any severe injuries as well as reduce the damages of falling over. This makes playground towers a safe structure for children to use as even if they fall, they are unlikely to injure themselves.

To Learn More, Check Out this Site: Creative Recreational Systems

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