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“Ten minutes to crafting a perfect sales pitch.”


Not even the best sales professionals are born with this skill. It is a skill, of course, it requires related talents. The good news is that formulating perfect sales pitches can be thought of as a craft. The experts have created many methods and tips. The best of the sales professionals have created a formula for closing a sale easily.

A good salesperson while writing a pitch differentiates between the buyers and bases a major part of their tactics based on this fact. There is a common saying that states “a product sells itself.” It is the most essential part of sales; to connect the right products with the right buyer. If the buyer is in need of the product, have of the deal is already closed and is only a matter of being convinced enough to purchase the product. Here is a formula in seven steps formula to write an irresistible sales pitch in just ten minutes;

  • Conversation starter with a hook

Previously, every salesperson approached their customer for ‘Pitching’ their ideas to them. It was about solely by the product and the quality and features they hold. This way of sales approach in the written form or personal face-to-face situation only created a single result; rejection or accepting the sale pitch.

This method surely works, but it is outmoded and may turn down many potential customers with the rigid and one-sided quality of pitching.

The new salesperson’s technique is to create a friendly conversation first. This is to show you, as a salesperson, are not trying to force them to buy your products. It is rather to show them you are there to help by offering a solution to their problems.

  • Buyer’s needs over your sales rate

Once you have started the foundation of a relationship with your customer, you focus on your buyer’s wants and needs. You point out the problems and issues with them while remaining at a friendly distance. This is not to be intrusive in a personal space by being pushy or overly expressive. Then, you address their issues by proposing a solution to them.

To do this, a salesperson needs to know their buyers well. This step requires extensive research and preparation before your sales approach. This is essential to the sales process; If you are not familiar with a buyer, you will not certainly be familiar with their problems and issues.

This is important to the buyers as well. You can gain their trust if they feel that you have understood their needs and issues.

Therefore, you have a higher chance of closing the sale.

Knowing your buyer, away from previously conducted research on them, can be done on the spot. If you are a good judge of people’s expressions while conversation, it can help you to lead accordingly. This exact point is perhaps more intuitive in an individual salesperson than formulated.

  • Tell a story

Tell the story about what you offer; It is catchy and can be used to keep the attention of your listener. Researches have shown that people of all ages engage with a story subconsciously by imagining themselves in the given scenario automatically. This also could be used as a technique to create a stronger bonding and trusting relationship between you and your buyer; This is the strong magic that lies in storytelling.

1. A good conversation starter called a “hook”

It is actually a form of conversation and not much of a monologue sales pitch.

Choosing the right hook to start your conversation must be based on your judgment of your buyer’s personality; their particular issues and wants and needs.

2. A solution to problems

Once a conversation is started., focus on the buyer. Address their issues and offer a solution through your products.

3. Staying factual makes your conversation believable

The research shows more than 90 percent of the buyers respond to the statistics and numbers, pointing out certain research related to the products. This makes your claims believable. Therefore, the buyer tends to trust more in you and the product or services you are proposing.

4. Make a sale request

You have already bonded with your customer on the grounds of trust. The statistics and facts have backed up your offer. Then, it is alright to ask them to compensate and buy your product or service in return to the solutions offered to their issues.

5. The length of the pitch matters

Today’s lives are busy and compact. Trying to keep the conversation short, this way you won’t use their attention by writing along with the pitch and also do not take much time to put the idea out there.

6. Grammar and spell check

Once you have finished your sales pitch letter, it is of utmost importance to check it for grammar mistakes and problems. It can make the sale lose value completely if there are grammar or spelling mistakes. It will be unfair to your efforts and 6echniques to let such an easy to solve issue come on your ways of closing the sale.

7. Do the follow-up

It is again mentioned that today’s lives are hectic and filled with distractions. It is important to do the follow-up. it just may have slipped their mind.

Repetition has been proved as a useful technique for buyers. A respectful reminder of your previous sales pitch can help them to rethink your offer. It is known to increase the chances of the sale by 30%.


Writing a sales pitch may be intimidating but it is easier than it seems. The seven-step formula has been proven to land many buyers and close the deals. It is important to maintain it short, polite and friendly; above all do not be shy to approach the buyer. You may even influence their lives positively by offering an ultimate solution for their resilient issues.

Austin Stanfel is the current CMO at Creative Recreational Systems, Inc. – A Commercial Recreation Equipment Importer and CEO of Stanfel Media – A Digital Agency.

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